2014 Edwin Walker Prize for two Czech scientists

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers – IMechE, London, UK, has awarded its annual 2014 Edwin Walker Prize to Prof. Václav Petr and Assoc. Prof. Michal Kolovratník for their paper "Wet Steam Energy Loss and Related Baumann Rule in Low Pressure Steam Turbines" published in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. The prize is awarded for the best paper on a power industries mechanical engineering subject published by IMechE in the previous year. The paper based on experimental and theoretical findings shows the effect of conditions in the low-pressure parts of steam turbines on the nucleation of water droplets (condensation) in the steam flow and the effect of the process on the magnitude of energy conversion in the turbines.

The Czech National Committee for the Properties of Water and Steam congratulates Prof. Petr and Assoc. Prof. Kolovratník for the award and wishes to thank for their successful representation of the Czech science.

Full citation of the paper:

V. Petr, M. Kolovratník: Wet Steam Energy Loss and Related Baumann Rule in Low Pressure Steam Turbine, Journal of Power and Energy, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A, Vol.228, No.2, March 2014, pp.206-215
